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Message to Humanity - Information received during a Higher Self Healings Session


Although there is much heaviness, there is also much light.

When the Soul remembers why, this is when we have Peace.

This image was kindly supplied by another highly evolved Client and talented artist, depicting what she saw during her Higher Self Healings Session. She traveled to the upper realms and was met by her Guide Archangel Gabriel, he told her he had something to show her and guided her to a scroll made of stone. This contains "the information of the light and many other things". The scroll is not something you read, it's a representation of information. Archangel Gabriel explained to her she will work with this light to heal others and will be given downloads to assist her in her healing work. She was given a download as we spoke.

The drawing shows her happy place under the tree overlooking the hills and the ocean prior to transcending to the upper realms. The building has a staircase which stretched endlessly on each side into the clouds. Everything was white, the door was white and brightly lit with white light. The scroll and its display case are drawn outside of the building, for detail, both are kept within this building. The images of people are her other Guides, who she also met during her session. No facial features because her Guides faces shine so brightly with light.

Her session was such a beautiful experience for us both. So much gratitude!

Copyright © Sharon Roulston. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

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