Mel - Townsville
What an incredible experience!!!
Hi Sharon
Thanks so very much for today. What an incredible experience!!! I am so grateful to you!!
I feel transformed and so much lighter and will be happily referring you to everyone I can!!
Have a wonderful weekend and stay in touch!
Mel xo
Wendy - Townsville
Sharon has found her calling.
Because Sharon is doing what she loves, the session is relaxing and calming, therefore providing the best possible conditions to achieve a good session. As well as finding reassurance and answers there was also humour and unexpected information that came through. Having a reason or a knowing why things occur brings awareness and with awareness you can change your perspective and gain acceptance. I am looking forward to my future and have faith that I will manifest the life that I have been shown. The session helped me believe that my manifestation desires are obtainable and not a daydream and has taken away the doubt. Thank you, Sharon, for providing a platform to get answers, I have tried many techniques, but this method provided the most information in a short time frame.
Once again thank you for your expertise.
Denise - Bundaberg
I am lost for words what else to say, just so beautiful
Denise's Testimony - 2nd August, 2024.
I am a First Nation Mature Aged Woman 57 Years of Age.
I contacted Sharon before COVID Pandemic hit, 2019, because of life circumstances I could not make it to see Sharon. I gained interest in Dolores Cannon and read several of her Books, because of Dolores Cannon I really wanted to attend one of the QHHT Sessions. I researched for a QHHT People, well to my amazement Sharon kept coming up, so I knew intuitively that I had to see her for the Higher Self Healing Session.
I finally contacted Sharon back in July 2024 and attended a most wonderful experience from the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session. The one I selected was Soul Pamper Higher Self Healing Session.
I have been suffering with so much pain from a Chronic Illness which is Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue for quite 10 Years actually. When I drove up to Townsville to visit my Elderly Parents and find out about the Sessions, which I planned to have done, I was in so much pain driving up from Bundaberg where I live. I had to stop after fueling up and rub myself down all over with liniment, all over my muscles as I was in such pain.
When I finally contacted Sharon and arranged for the QHHT Session and went through this wonderful experience, I had to travel the next day, well I got up early, 4 in the morning to travel back to Bundaberg. I had no pain and was so alert, as Sharon asked for me to be alert for the trip. I could not believe this was actually happening to me, I had no pain.
When I got back to Bundaberg, I finally heard my Session and tried contacting my Higher Self asking a question and out of the Session with my Higher Self it was agreed that I will know if my question has been heard when my left shoulder will feel a sensation of a squeeze and I would know. It occurred today and I thanked my Higher Self.
I was not sure if I was imagining the Session when I was under, as I remembered all of it. So, when I heard it all again it is so amazing to know that this was not me but my Higher Self, and my loved ones and all my four Guides speaking to me with their most appreciative messages for me.
I feel so different, like I am a knew person, I am noticing the changes on a daily basis.
I will like to inform others if they read my Testimony to do the QHHT Sessions it is so worth it, I am lost for words what else to say, just so beautiful as I feel like being young again. Amazing....
Thank You Sharon...
Nicole - Townsville
It is Life Changing
Thank you so much Sharon, words cannot say what you have done for me through your gift of QHHT. This has helped my awakening in so many ways...
Despite being very nervous about my session, Sharon put me at ease with her gentle and professional nature. Sharon is very easy to talk to and makes you feel relaxed.
Her work space is absolutely beautiful!
Lastly, despite my reservations this was the best thing I have done for myself. It is life changing. My toxic core beliefs were released by a healing as was my overthinking and absorption of others energy’s. The following day at work I felt relaxed, I had stopped worrying about others judging me, etc… I felt a completely different person.
I can’t thank you enough Sharon
My deepest gratitude
Tristan - Townsville
A Far Better Understanding of My True Inner Power
I recently had the privilege of experiencing a Soul Pamper Session with Sharon. Her kindness and attention to detail was second only to her beautiful heart, and I came away from my day of being cared for with a far better understanding of my true inner power, and with invaluable insight into the application of that power. Sharon guided me with great professionalism throughout the process, and I now feel better equipped to make the difference in this world that I have wanted to. It was most definitely time and money well invested, and I highly recommend Sharon and her work. Five stars from me!
Hellaina - Darwin (Regression to Womb Session)
A Message I"d Waited 56 Years For
Hello Sharon
I’m always grateful and feel blessed when Devine guidance shows up in my life, as it did on the day of the regression with you.
This was a timely experience as I’d seen pictures of the womb weeks before and questioned, I wonder what that was like to be in the womb and if my mother knew she had cancer. What unfolded directly the morning after was a search of her records in the state of Victoria which I’d never been able to obtain. Within an instant I had found them. However the site was down and left me hanging on once again. To my surprise a client arrived not long after, I mentioned my annoyance. casually she replied “I can help you as I’ve just completed my whole families medical records I have an account.” “leave it with me” she said. By that evening she had her death certificate, marriage certificate, the house she lived in with my father and her previous marriage certificate.
This regression with Sharon was in no doubt a blessing and a message I’d waited 56 years for, not only did it give clearer details on the day of her death, but uncovered past life details that gave me clarity as to why I was so passionate about the protection of women and children.
Sharon is dedicated to the field of hypnosis
And her experience, care and thorough inquiry made me feel completely relaxed and at ease. I highly recommend her, you will be amazed at how the unconscious is available to you if you trust the process. I believe everything happens in Devine timing. This regression helped me so much and is just what my mother in the after - life had lined up for me.
It was a blessing. I’m eternally grateful 🙏🏻❤️
Love and light Dear Sharon
Keep shining your beautiful light.
Hellaina xx
Julia - Central Queensland (Regression to Womb Session)
Wonderful Healing Session
Hello Sharon,
Thank you so much for this wonderful healing session! I am ever so grateful for everything you do ❤! The Regression to Womb session is such a lovely way to reconnect with your purest essence, and to see and especially to feel the world as an unborn child. It was simply beautiful! The reassurance, the healing, and the new revelations that came up during and following the session are priceless! I see myself and the world with different eyes. There is this newfound equilibrium that brings me so much joy and lightness. And how amazing is it, that my past life as a medicine man is now showing up during my meditations, teaching me everything that he has learned in his life!! So, thank you, Sharon, for making this possible 😍!!
Lots of love,
Rhonda - Byron Bay NSW (Regression to Womb Session)
I'm still in awe
Hi Sharon,
Thank you so much for the session yesterday.....I’m still in awe and processing what came up. I have come to the realization the my Indian mother was my Grandmother in this life as I had the exact same feeling whilst sitting on their lap as a young child.
This is the third session I have had with you now and all that has been brought to light in my consciousness through QHHT, Higher Self Healings and Regression to Womb sessions has enabled me to be true to myself and has given me the confidence to live the life I am here to live.
You are truly a talented Healer and have an innate ability to ‘dig’ into the subconscious to get the answers needed.
Much love
Annie - Townsville
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hi Sharon
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
From the moment I arrived to the moment I left I felt I was in a safe little cocoon filled with unconditional love.
Since the session I have felt such peace and have started to make positive changes. I have finally given up Pepsi Max (my addiction), started fasting and generally feel more of a connection with my loved ones.
One interesting thing I realised, in the life that I lost my husband I was aged 36. In this life, I met him again, and you guessed it, I was 36. Someone has a sense of humour. haha.
It's strange to think that we were sisters in another lifetime and we met up again in this lifetime. I hope I was a good sister to you then.
I am currently in my hometown where I draw so much strength, visiting my family and having lots of cuddles with my first grandson. It's the first time I've been back since my session with you and I feel such gratitude for everyone and everything in my life since then.
Wishing you all the happiness you deserve.
Your sister in another lifetime
John - Tuross Head NSW
Find Myself in a way I never thought could happen
Hi Sharon,
I would like to thank you for helping me find myself in a way I never thought could happen. It was a feeling that will never leave me and I could hardly believe what I was hearing listening to the session, as I had no memory of it at all.
I would recommend it to any person wishing to expand their thinking about life and creation it is something that solves a lot of questions.
You are a kind, gentle, considerate and totally professional lady.
Thank you Sharon
Regards n 1
Sonia Townsville
Nudge from the universe to act and make the appointment
For anyone that has wondered, or felt strong desire to seeking reasons, or wanted to know more about why they are here, or need guidance on your current life goals or life journey and if you happened to just fall on Sharon's page or website or have someone mention her name to you then this is your nudge from the universe to act and make the appointment.
Sharon is amazing and full of knowledge, an added bonus she was taught by the late and pioneering Dolores Cannon, you can not get better than that.
Her preparation and care and desire to help is 2nd to none. My experience from the very beginning was thorough, professional and full of warmth and understanding.
After my consultation, I no longer felt any desire to continue with any of the bad habits that I had been struggling with. My skin that had not been healing coming onto 6 months healed more quickly than it ever had.
I felt rejuvenated and it validated many things for me, I am still feeling positive and continuing to make changes in my life with enthusiasm, and without procrastination (one of the many things I requested guidance about).
I highly recommend Sharon and will recommend her to all who ask.
Thank you Sharon xx
Julia Julia Creek
I am so much more confident and can finally tap into my full potential!
I feel amazing, Sharon! Thank you so much for this beautiful session! I am so much more confident and can finally tap into my full potential! I understand now that I have the ability to travel through time and dimensions to get information. That my intuition is just spot on! I’m ever so grateful to have found you 🥰😻🙏!!
You have the most wonderful afternoon!! Lots of love 💗
Julia xx
Joanne Townsville
I did love the fact that Sharon was trained in the QHHT by Dolores herself
I can’t thank Sharon enough for this experience I’ve had in the sessions with her. If you are at all thinking about a session, I can’t possibly recommend Sharon enough. Sharon’s lovely nature made for a comfortable and relaxing experience; I did love the fact that Sharon was trained in the QHHT by Dolores herself. It was very interesting and I believe anyone who would have a session would definitely benefit from it.
Lauren Townsville
It is really helping me to open up my skills and remember who I am
I recently had an in-depth healing hypnotherapy session with Sharon and found the preparation for the session very thorough, which helped me feel really comfortable with what to expect.
I didn't realise I was in trance state for so long, but upon listening to the recording Sharon goes into so much detail and is very professional in her questions and approach as she guides you in connecting with Higher Self. Since my session I feel more connected to self, more clear on who I am and why I am the way I am. So many of my little quirks, triggers, passions and aversions now make a lot more sense.
Highly recommend this session to anyone who feels a bit unsure of themselves and their soul purpose and gifts, stuck in heavy energy cycles, or wanting to understand themselves on a deeper level.
Ten Days Later -
I've had a lot more downloads of my energy healing abilities, to guide people back to nature since my healing session, it is really helping me to open up my skills and remember who I am.
Thank you
Dhyan Samarpan Darwin
I would recommend this to anyone
Dear Sharon,
It was a great experience to work with you on my spiritual journey. I had no idea what to expect but your motherly care and love put me in ease from the start.
The time spent under hypnosis was just surreal and has opened my mind to new possibilities.
I have experienced healing from my past relationship damages thanks to the forgiveness exercise you conducted.
I found you as a person who is just willing to share all you have and not holding back anything.
I loved the whole experience and I would recommend this to anyone who is seeking to heal old wounds and move further on the spiritual path.
Thank you for your love and support and wish you the best.
You are doing a wonderful job!.
Love and Light
Dhyan Samarpan
Your Grace (Past life name to ensure anonymity) Charters Towers
So Uncanny
Hi Sharon,
So nice to hear from you! Thank you for letting me know about the message.
I often go back to my session and listen to it. I did some research and wow its freaky accurate.
There are some elements of the reading that are so uncanny………….
I hope this email finds you well, warmest wishes
Your Grace
Andreas (David, Sami) Townsville
Anyway, thanks for all your help, some of the greatest help a human can have, to know who you really are. Gold.
Andreas (David, Sami)
Mel Townsville
Amazing to have a little confirmation
Hi Sharon,
I just wanted to let you know I had a Higher Self reading with you a few months ago and one of the things my higher self told me was that I would be pregnant within three months and I currently am six weeks pregnant. I thought I would just touch base and let you know how amazing it is to have a little confirmation in everything that was said, so thank you.
Annie Townsville
Thank you for your patience and kindness
Hi Sharon,
Firstly I would like to say 🙏 thank you for your time and patience on Saturday. I have been doing my homework and listening to my recording. It seems like a lot of hard work was done on your part and you were so lovely supporting me and cheering me on! 🤗
It took me until Tuesday to start to feel like I had my energy back, my eyes were still swollen on Sunday from the crying. I have to ask is this typical of a traumatic past life experience. I feel great now and I know I have a lot of work and healing to do.
I feel like I have 100 questions, but I would like to tell you, you prepared me very well and I thank you for that.
I would like to come back at some point, and I know it will be a while, if you have any suggestions of a time period, please let me know.
Once again, thank you for your patience and kindness, (I’m not that sure I would be that patient 😂).
Kind regards,
Annie 🤩🤩
Anna Mackay
Special Experience
Thank you so much for a very special experience.
I have received both emails.
I just had my shower and early night.
So much happened today!!!
So much healing took place.❤️
Thanks my new sister from another mister.🤗🙏
Elisa Darwin
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Dear Sharon,
I don't know how I could properly convey the gratitude I have for you facilitating the healing I had with you.
I am so grateful for the safe space you created for me and for the way you nurtured me throughout the entire process, from our very first phone call.
I am so grateful for the information and guidance I received, which I couldn't have done if you weren't the conduit.
I am so grateful for the clarity you have helped bring forward.
What an amazing service you are doing humanity, by helping us understand the true nature of our realities as well as helping us align with purpose that will enrich our lives and souls.
I am so grateful to have met you and been able to spend time with you and share such divine space with you.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
(And of course, thank you to the universe for divine guidance and intervention, how lucky we are to have met).
With all the love and light.
Nicole Townsville
Take My Life to the Next Level
Hey Sharon,
I did a session with you back in 2019 in Townsville and absolutely loved it.
I am hoping to take my life to the next level and was hoping to be able to book another session with you please.
Elisia Townsville
Isn't That Beautiful
Part 1
I was just thinking about you today.
I wanted to let you know there has been healing happening....
I feel at peace, and also my physical ailments are improving...
It's a bit late now, so I can't write at length, but I will tell you more in my next email.
A big hug to you.
Part 2
Yesterday my sister spoke to me over the phone.
I don't know if you recall, but we sent healing for my relationship with her during our session, as my sister stopped speaking to me years ago.
Yesterday she just took the phone from my brother and spoke to me...like nothing ever happened.
Isn't that beautiful?
Maree Home Hill
Such A Beautiful Experience
Thank you so much! I am still processing everything, but in a totally positive way. Such a beautiful experience and I am so grateful to you.
I will keep you updated on my journey. And thanks again.
Kindest Regards
Maree xx
Bella-Rose Townsville
Life Changing
Within this testimonial Bella-Rose refers to information and healing she received during her session.
I have had some interesting things occur so far, and possibly the confirmation you were referring to.
The day after my regression with you was St Patrick's day, which is very interesting since my Guardian Angel is Patrick and I didn't even know St Patrick's day was the 17th.
I was on Instagram the day after and saw two girls with cherub tattoos and in the cheap shop there was a massive display with about 50 different cherubs (haha). I'm sure they are always there but It just really stood out for some reason.
I have to say, after leaving yours I was starting to question the "realness" about my therapy, asking myself "did I just make this up?" But I can't shake the fact it's all so relevant to my current life, and the more I think about it, the more vivid the experience seems.
Day by day things are changing, my belief is becoming stronger, and I feel a further shift and enlightenment in my life. My husband has even been meditating and is inspired by my journey and experience which is so beautiful.
I guess I wasn't aware of how overwhelming this experience could be, it's beautiful and so inspiring but yet has taken me some time to adjust to the fact I’ve had a previous life (so incredible and... Wow).
Life changing, thanks so much
A further email was received from Bella-Rose
Within 10 days I have used my asthma puffer once, I used it daily prior to my session, I’m amazed, this is the longest I've been without this in a very long time.
Today at work I saw so many angel numbers, as you know every day, I see 1111 at least once (did today too). I took my clients blood pressure and they both where 111 systolic (one was in their 20s and the other in their 80s).
I went downstairs to reception and they had decorated the roof with over 50 blue butterflies (the sign from my Grandad).
And as I was on the highway, I looked at my speed to see I was sitting at 111. I see these messages on a daily basis, and I can confirm it’s not something I look out for, it just happens.
Seeing and feeling these signs is so comforting and lovely.
Thanks for everything Sharon.
J - Townsville
Invest in Yourself, Your Worth It
I had never heard of Quantum Healing (QH) before and within a short space in time was referred to Sharon.
I find it difficult to describe the positive impact this journey has had on me. It is a feeling of peace and gratitude,
I will hold this experience with me for the whole of this life.
Sharon is passionate about her work and shows this by her holistic, professional approach to the experience she provides.
I sincerely thank the universe for allowing me to have experienced QH and my hope is that many others have the opportunity as well.
The sense of peace and knowing that sits with me is a gift - thank you from every part of my being.
With Love
Emily - Cannonvale FNQ
On a High Ever Since
I wanted to thank you for facilitating my session and for just being your lovely, compassionate self.
I had the most amazing session and have been on a high ever since.
Again, thank you so much!
Kaye - Townsville
Felt Amazing
I have been meaning to email you to say “thank you” for my wonderful session back in August.
I felt amazing after the session and I felt so calm and relaxed for several days afterwards!
Heirome and I absolutely love our blog with such a beautiful photo depiction Sharon – very fitting thank you xo
Anyway, many thanks again.
Take care.
Paige - Victoria
Beautiful and Insightful Session
Thank you so much for such a beautiful and insightful session.
Thank you for holding space for me today, for guiding me, and for your beautiful healing self being present while I heal.
I’m forever grateful and will absolutely keep in touch
Paige xxx
Mat - Brazil
Divine Work
Your work is working purely from the divine - it's beautiful.
Gavin - Townsville
A massive thank you for everything
Dear Sharon,
I had my session with you nearly 18 months ago now. Well since then wowee what a roller coaster ride. I can laugh about it now as things have smoothed out somewhat. Stuff is really starting to pick up pace in my life. I now know I have been and am being prepped for some big things in the months and years ahead. The old me is getting left behind, got too many people to help. Anyway, just wanted to say a massive thank you for everything. I was only supposed to listen to that damn session tape 3 times a week for 3 months, but I think I've listened to it about a million and a half times ha ha. And something tells me I'm not through with it yet.
Hope you and your family are well.
Love and best wishes
Aileen - Townsville
Felt like a big weight was taken off me
Thanks again for my session. Felt like a big weight was taken off me. It’s an awesome feeling.
A lot has happened since my session with you…. still moving beautifully forward.
Yes I’m happy to share my words as a testimony that would support others to be open in awakening their journey of knowing. Knowing who they are and remembering the gifts that they are.
Thank you for your work.
Blessings to you.
Louie - Charters Towers
The session completely changed the way of looking at my Life
Dear Sharon
Louie has been a wonderful higher self to me. It was a great to meet 5 guardian angels. I knew that I am a great healer but until I have given a strong confirmation with a session with Sharon I could not be confident.
The session completely changed my way of looking at my life.
Now, I have strong connection with higher self and other higher energy beings to receive more information on healing, myself and other things I can connect around me.
Having a confirmation that my life purpose is healing a planet which include healing people's heart, plants, animals and energy of places, gave me a bigger perspective of how I can contribute to heal the world.
It was overwhelming to feel that other planets were so supportive for us to ascend to the 5th dimension.
I thank you very much for Sharon to give me the opportunity to remember who I am.
I recommend any healers to meet her to confirm your life purposes to help the earth to heal with your beautiful energy.
I wish everyone to have a meaningful session with Sharon and bring the earth and other planets to experience new world we are planning to move on.
Francesco - Darwin
Your healing work is helping many
Thanks Sharon,
Thank you for today, your professionalism your exuberance, commitment, positivity and connection was lovely.
Your courage and perseverance in following your heart and continuing your healing work is helping many.
Keep the faith!
Lee - Mackay
Sharon will guide you through this incredible process
I received my first ever QHHT session with Sharon and I must say I was very impressed. It was an amazing experience, yet different to what I imagined.
During the session Sharon guided me to passed lives, healing and connecting to my higher self. I received answers to questions about major events in my life and the reasons why things had occurred. That evening I slept like a log and woke the following day with a calmness and stillness within me that I never felt before. I feel relaxed, focused and present.
Sharon has a beautiful soul and I found her very easy to talk to and connect with. For anyone considering a QHHT session I’d highly recommend putting your trust and faith in Sharon as she helps guide you through this incredible process.
K and D - Townsville
In Sync
Hi Sharon,
I just wanted to thank you again! The experience was amazing and both D (Initial) and I really enjoyed it. We both listened to our tapes and then together and were amazed at how in sync it was!
It’s given me the little kick in the butt I needed to get on the right track.
So thank you again for this amazing experience and we will try to keep in touch.
K and D
Theresa - New South Wales
Inner Peace
Thanks for my session Sharon. Since having the session I find I am a lot calmer within myself. For want of better words I think it could be described as "inner peace". Especially in regards to my Daughters passing.
This is the best I have felt since she passed.
Much Love
Theresa x
SN - United States
ZOOM Online Session
Dear Sharon,
I wanted to thank you for the QHHT session that you facilitated for me via an International connection through Zoom. It was like there was no distance between us even though you were in Australia and I was in the United States.
I am a huge believer in the QHHT process. The session I had with you was the 7th session in 7 years and I wanted to let you know that the care and detail you put into the process was far above what I have experienced with other practitioners. You are VERY THOROUGH with every part of the hypnosis process. You helped me uncover some important aspects of myself that will assist me in the coming days, months, years and I am so grateful to you for compassionately caring that we fully addressed all of the questions we had taken into the session.
I can tell, you love what you do and you have a wonderful gift of helping people find the answers they are looking for. You will be a blessing to all who have the opportunity to work with you.
Much Love
Rhonda - Northern Rivers Region New South Wales
Comfortable in the ZOOM Session
Thanks Sharon,
It really was a great session for me and I felt very comfortable in the Zoom
session.....maybe it allows clients to better relax??
I felt both our computer systems and connections worked very well.
I feel confident now in the choices I have ahead of me, so a big THANK YOU!!
You are amazing in what you do.
Gavin - Townsville
Oh....My....God, Sharon, what have you done. Ha, ha, ha. Interesting times, I'm loving this, I'll never be the same again. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You did this. Thank you so much.
Ryan- United Kingdom
I Received so much Knowledge, Wisdom and Trust in my Path.
I recently received a QHHT session from Sharon. I arrived with no expectations, but I had a list of questions I desired light to be shined upon. Questions such as where shall I direct my energy, what is my mission, how can I heal certain parts of myself. And the list goes on. When entering the sacred space which Sharon had created I immediately felt lighter, more in tune, connected. Sharon uses many ancient wisdom's from Feng shui, sound clearing and crystals to create a space for this healing to take place. Hours of preparation and energy management had taken place before I arrived. Throughout the session I received so much knowledge, wisdom and trust in my path. There is not enough words to express the guidance and gifts received from my session with Sharon. Sharon holds the space, allowing for this transformation to take place. No judgement only wanting the best for all her clients. I felt very safe and comfortable to express the very depths of how I feel and what is happening in my world. Enabling self-healing. Sharon has the gift of listening and supporting at our rawest and most vulnerable times. Whether past trauma, uncertainty, confusion and so much more. I would highly recommend having a session with Sharon. It's ideal for so many, for example those who need guidance, direction, confirmation, transformation, clearance, HEALING, wisdom, expansion and insight on there journey. From my perspective the more beings that align with purpose, will create a more harmonious existence for the planet and all that live on her. Thank you for this gift Universe.
Frank - Townsville
Just Do It.
For anyone thinking of having a QHHT Session with Sharon, JUST DO IT. I received one on the 23rd of August, 2017, it has really helped me to consolidate my purpose in life. Sharon's passion to serve humanity is undeniable, her caring nature and professionalism shines through her work. I was looking for more clarity in my life and during the session Sharon guided me to receive the answers that I was searching for by connecting to my Higher Self. Very powerful and moving session, I feel I have more courage to face the world. Thank you Sharon for your great work.
Rhonda - Central Queensland
I heard about QHHT and had to try it. I contacted Sharon and immediately felt comfortable talking to her about myself, my life, what I wanted to achieve and looking into past lives. Sharon with her bright bubbly, loving and caring nature has a knack of asking you the right questions to dig into your subconscious to find the answers to help you better your life. Since my QHHT session and listening regularly to my audio, I am amazed at the positive changes that have easily come about in my life. I look forward to my next session with Sharon.
Leah - Darwin
QHHT Practitioner - Highly recommended
I was at a crossroad in my life and I was hoping to find some answers to several very important questions through QHHT. So, driving to my appointment I was extremely nervous! My apprehension immediately subsided upon meeting Sharon. Her genuine warmth and calm nature were very welcoming. I felt as though I was talking to a long-lost friend and it was easy to completely trust her. During my session, my conscious mind was finding it hard to relax, but thanks to Sharon's perseverance, we managed to have a successful conversation with my higher self, and I obtained the clarity and direction I had hoped for.
I highly recommend Sharon!
Tani - Northern Territory
Message Received From Late Husband
I was at a crossroads when I met Sharon and she told me about QHHT. I was nervous about my session but once we started I was very relaxed and I felt that I could talk to Sharon about everything. During the session Sharon helped me obtain a message from my late husband and we also got his sign when he is around me. Making contact and knowing he is at peace has been very comforting to me. I strongly recommend QHHT to anyone that wants to try it.
Dale - Cairns
The Next Level of Spirituality
As expected Sharon is even more wonderful and love-filled person....Sharon helped me evolve myself to the next level of spirituality, to trust myself and to accept the situation.
Samantha - Townsville
Ecstatic With The Outcome of Our Session
After having my QHHT session with Sharon I feel like a new person, I got all my questions answered & even got closure in a few difficult situations that were going on in my life. I am ecstatic with the outcome of our session and can't thank Sharon enough.
Rhiannon - Townsville
Utterly Happy
My experience with Sharon was absolute bliss. I was made to feel comfortable right from the beginning, which was warming, as I was quite nervous. The whole experience was fun and professional leaving me utterly happy. The results have been amazing from my session and I have recommended her to many of my friends as I would recommend her to anyone wanting to experience her healing.
Michelle - Townsville
Great Sense of Inner Peace
I have had the pleasure of receiving a healing treatment with Sharon Roulston. Sharon has an exceptional quality of exuding a natural calmness, and her professional approach and wholehearted commitment to her healing craft ensure she makes a difference in the lives of her clients. The environment Sharon welcomes you into is calming in itself, and very early in the treatment you begin to feel relaxed and at peace. Sharon is skilled in taking you gently through the process of healing and you may not recall just what has happened - I didn't - but you will have a great sense of inner peace. Sharon is professional in all she does, and is very caring about people and their well-being. I am delighted that she has found this avenue through which she can help others, and I recommend that anyone will benefit from a consultation with Sharon.
Maree - Townsville
Constant Glow Inside of Me is Now Brighter
After my session with you I felt a great feeling of peace and calm. There is a constant glow inside of me that was there before but is much brighter now. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are and doing what you do, it is truly a gift.